Final Project Writeup Self-Grading

Will Styler, Revised Winter 2024

Self Grading Guidelines

For your project, you’ll grade yourself on all sections of your course’s final project rubric. So, in addition to writing and completing your project, you’re going to grade it too, according to the rubric below, giving yourself a score for each rubric item as well as your honest appraisal of what you’ve earned on the project (please give as a percentage or 85/100).

This will be treated as the ‘default’ grade for your project, and as we look at your project, the main question we’ll be asking is ‘Has this student accurately assessed their own work?’. If we feel you were fair to yourself and your classmates, your grade will stand. But if we feel that your grade does not reflect your work and efforts, we’ll adjust the grade down (or up!) accordingly.

That said, be honest with yourself and us. If you just give yourself “Masterful” for every rubric item and give yourself a 100% without explaining why you’ve gone above and beyond to earn it, we’re going to be very skeptical, and your revised grade will probably be lower than it would’ve been had you taken the time to give us a fair appraisal. Read the rubric carefully and be honest about the work you’ve done.

There’s no shame in saying “Hey, this is C- quality work, but that’s what I had the time for”, I can respect the struggle. But turning in low effort, C- quality work and saying “Yeah, this is 100% A+ work, damn I’m good!” reflects very poorly on you.

For what it’s worth, in a prior year doing this, we affirmed or raised the grades of 90% of projects, so be honest and careful, but don’t stress too much about whether you’re doing it right, as you are able to do this effectively.

Please note that the sample page is based on a LIGN 6 project. The rubric items for your class may be different, but please ensure you have an entry for every rubric item in the rubric for the class that you’re taking!

Sample Cover Page with Self Grading

Title: A Virtual Assistant for Writing Self-Grading Guidelines for College Classes

Author(s): Student McStudentFace and Herbie McPrairieDog

Supplementary Materials: Additional papers and audio files referenced are in this Public Google Drive Folder. The Github is at

Feedback: No detailed feedback desired

Self Assessment

Cover Page and Self-Assessment: Masterful. We’ve completed a coverpage and it has everything I needed, and I’ve completed assessment.

Scope of Writeup: Acceptable-to-Novice. We ran out of time so we really didn’t spend much time on the text-to-speech portion and ethical concerns.

Demonstration of knowledge: Masterful-to-Acceptable. We’ve discussed key concepts from nearly every part of the class, and made reference to the easy and hard parts of developing this system. But I feel like I didn’t understand ‘Response planning’ very well, and didn’t have time to go to office hours to get clarification.

Richness: Acceptable. We didn’t really get into too much depth of complexity in the commands, and don’t have much ‘discourse’ to speak of, but otherwise it’s a rich system.

Formatting and Length: Masterful. This is a 5000 word paper which more or less covers things as they should be, and we’ve used reasonable formatting conventions.

Structure and Organization: Masterful. All our sections are clearly labeled, transitions are present, and we’re following the format from the guide.

Language and Argumentation: Masterful. We’ve all looked at the paper carefully, edited for clarity, and then Herbie took the paper to the writing hub for revisions.

Academic Integrity: Masterful. All works are cited with enough information to find the original resource.

Proposed Project Grade: 85%. I think this is a fair grade given that we put in strong effort, reached the length guidelines, structured it well and created a rich system, but we ran out of time so we didn’t really talk in depth about TTS and the system was less rich than we’d hoped.